Results for 'K. -R. Foley'

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  1. The Oregon report: Neutrality at OHD? Kathleen Foley and Herbert Hendin respond.K. Foley & H. Hendin - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (1):5-5.
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    Adam's fallacy: a guide to economic theology.Duncan K. Foley - 2006 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    Adam's vision -- Gloomy science -- The severest critic -- On the margins -- Voices in the air -- Grand illusions.
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  3. Rationality and ideology in economics.Duncan K. Foley - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (2):329-342.
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  4. Phenomenal characteristics of memories for perceivedand imagined autobiographical events.M. K. Johnson, M. A. Foley, A. G. Suengas & C. L. Raye - 1988 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 117:371-76.
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    The Co‐evolution of cooperation and complexity in a multi‐player, local‐interaction prisoners' dilemma.Peter S. Albin & Duncan K. Foley - 2001 - Complexity 6 (3):54-63.
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    Energy level schemes of23Na,27Al,31P on the unified model.A. B. Clegg & K. J. Foley - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (74):247-253.
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    Money, Accumulation and Crisis.Duncan K. Foley - 1986 - Taylor & Francis.
    Duncan Foley provides an alternative to Keynesian and 'new classical' macroeconomics, based on the Marxian theory of capital.
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    Recent Developments in Economic Theory.Duncan K. Foley - 1990 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 57 (3):665-687.
    This article focuses on the latest developments in mainstream economic theory as of 1999. Changes in economic theory are particularly significant in a period when the Stalinist version of Marxian theory is also in disarray, and the whole question of markets and economic coordination in socialist economies is in practical and theoretical flux. The most important abstract results in the finite-commodity space general-equilibrium theory are that equilibria are locally unique, that is, prices close to but different from the equilibrium prices (...)
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    Pictures and images: Spatial and temporal information compared.Marcia K. Johnson, Carol L. Raye, Mary Ann Foley & Jung K. Kim - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (1):23-26.
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    Reconstructing Marxism, by Wright Erik Olin, Levine Andrew, and Sober Elliot. London and New York: Verso, 1992, xii + 202 pages. [REVIEW]Duncan K. Foley - 1993 - Economics and Philosophy 9 (2):297.
  11. Interactive Effects of Racial Identity and Repetitive Head Impacts on Cognitive Function, Structural MRI-Derived Volumetric Measures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau and Aβ.Michael L. Alosco, Yorghos Tripodis, Inga K. Koerte, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alicia S. Chua, Megan Mariani, Olivia Haller, Éimear M. Foley, Brett M. Martin, Joseph Palmisano, Bhupinder Singh, Katie Green, Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Nikos Makris, Robert C. Cantu, Alexander P. Lin, Michael Coleman, Ofer Pasternak, Jesse Mez, Sylvain Bouix, Martha E. Shenton & Robert A. Stern - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Inferential visualizing is justification and Foley's foundations.Paul K. Moser - 1989 - Analysis 49 (2):84.
    In "the theory of epistemic rationality" (harvard university press, 1987), Richard foley presents a version of subjective foundationalism designed to avoid aristotle's famous regress problem. This paper explains why foley's theory does not provide an adequate account of the foundations of inferential epistemic justification. Foley's theory neglects the epistemic significance of 'non'belief perceptual states.
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    Distributing Indivisible Goods Fairly: Evidence from a Questionnaire Study.Dorothea K. Herreiner & Clemens Puppe - 2007 - Analyse & Kritik 29 (2):235-258.
    We report the results of a questionnaire study on the fair distribution of indivisible goods. We collected data from three different subject pools, first- and second- year students majoring in economics, law students, and advanced economics students with some background knowledge of fairness theories. The purpose of this study is to assess the empirical relevance of various fairness criteria such as inequality aversion, the utilitarian principle of maximizing the sum of individual payoffs, the Rawlsian “maximin” principle of maximizing the payoff (...)
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  14. Envy Freeness in Experimental Fair Division Problems.Dorothea K. Herreiner & Clemens D. Puppe - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (1):65-100.
    Envy is sometimes suggested as an underlying motive in the assessment of different economic allocations. In the theoretical literature on fair division, following Foley [Foley, D. (1967), Yale Economic Essays, 7, 45–98], the term “envy” refers to an intrapersonal comparison of different consumption bundles. By contrast, in its everyday use “envy” involves interpersonal comparisons of well-being. We present, discuss results from free-form bargaining experiments on fair division problems in which inter-and intrapersonal criteria can be distinguished. We find that (...)
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